Last week I attended two presentations at the Javaforum Meetup in Gothenburg.
The first presentation was on Serverless Architecture in AWS by Tomas Riha. More specifically, the presentation focused on some of the main services provided by Amazon to support serverless architecture:

  • API Gateway
  • Kinesis
  • Lambda
  • DynamoDB

First, the presenter gave a high-level overview on each of these services. Later, he provided a concrete scenario of how the services can be utilized as compared to a server-based architecture.
I liked a lot that the presentation was a good mixture of conceptual description and concrete example. Besides, Tomas gave pointers to additional services that can be useful. At last, he mentions other aspects that one needs to think of, e.g. costs and automation.
In my consultant assignment, the solutions are mostly deployed in AWS, so I hope I can experience serverless stuff in real life in the near future.

The second presentation’s title was “How Microsoft learned to love Java” by Alexander Young.
The presenter gave at first an overview of the relationship between Microsoft and Java and open source that was obviously not always very friendly. Apparently, Microsoft’s philosophy has changed over the past years to become more open so that Azure, Microsoft’s cloud solution, has nowadays to offer a lot when it comes to Java. Then, Alexander showed what services Azure provides that can be of interesting for non-Microsoft developers - pretty cool I have to say!
Lastly he gave a short demo of how an application can be deployed on Azure.
I find it quite interesting that Microsoft is striving for a bit more openness - of course, this is not for just being nice, but a pragmatic business decision. Still, good to see that. I guess I will give it a try in some open source project.
The presentations can be found here